International conference on organic farming, a meeting point for people interested in organic farming from the Czech Republic as well as abroad. The goal of the conference is to interconnect key farmers, politicians, traders, trade unions, scientists, researchers, and media in order for them to exchange opinions and experience.

  • organizer: Felicius o.p.s.
  • international conference
  • BIOSUMMIT 2016
  • 14. – 15. 11. 2016
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Prague
  • number of visitors: 345

Biosummit is a prestigious conference where everyone involved in organic farming and organic food sales, both from CZ and abroad, can meet in discussion. The aim of the Conference is to link the key personalities among farmers, politicians, businesspeople and agricultural interest groups and professional organizations of researchers, media representatives and the public.

Can we take advantage of the potential offered by Organic Agriculture to protect soil, water and shaping the landscape? Is Organic Agriculture able to produce enough food? What is its role and offer to addressing the current issues of European agriculture?

Speakers presented new information and experiences with the functioning of organic farming in various countries and further specific examples of regional projects of OA, successful projects in practice and information about regional and cross-border cooperation. Another theme was research into organic farming in Central and Eastern Europe. Main goal of the Biosummit conference was to provide to the public either personally or through the media the new developments in the organic farming in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Speakers and experts from the field of organic farming:

Beate Huber (Deputy Director of FiBL, CH), Jan Plagge (president of Bioland and vicepresident IFOAM EU Group, DE), Marco Schlüter (expert in OA and former director fo IFOAM EU Group, DE),  Merit Mikk (EOFF, EE), Daniel Jurečka (director of ÚKZÚZ, CZ), Oleksander Yushchenko (owner of Galeks Agro, UA),  Jan Gallas (Head of Departement EEA of Ministry of Agriculture of CR, CZ), Andreas Kranzler (director of FiBL Austria, AT), Bożena Maziarska (Deputy Director of DODR Wroclaw, PL), Urszula Bogusiewicz (DODR Wrocław, PL), Dominika Jankowska (DODR Wrocław, PL), Toralf Richter (Departement of international cooperation, FiBL, CH), Zdeněk Perlinger (chairman PRO BIO Association, CZ), Kateřina Urbánková (manager of PRO BIO Association, CZ), Hana Šejnohová (IAEI, CZ), Josef Hanibal (deputy director IAEI, CZ), Vladimír Kostlivý (IAEI, CZ), Tomáš Zídek (Organic Farm Skřeněř, CZ), Dora Drexler (ÖMKi, HU), Thomas Rech (The Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, AT), Andrea Hrabalová (CTPOA, CZ), Jiří Urban (ÚKZÚZ, CZ), Klaus Wiesinger (LfL Bavaria, DE), Peer Urbatzka (LfL Bavaria, DE), Magdalena Lacko-Bartošová (SPU Nitra, SK), Miloš Pátek (the České mléko cooperative, CZ), Radovan Barbořík (Javorník-CZ, Ltd., CZ), Stanislav Šindler (Javorník-CZ, Ltd., CZ), Přemysl Čech (Family Farm in Jeseniky Mountains, CZ), etc.

Participating countries:

Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Slovak Republic, Serbia, Switzerland, Ukraine

Organizing Committee:  

Jiří Urban, Andrea Hrabalová, Ctirad Hemelík, Gabriela Kolářová


MZe, ÚKZÚZ, ČTPEZ, PRO-BIO Svaz EZ, Bioinstitut, ČTPEZ, IFOAM EU Group, ÖMKI, FiBL, FiBL Austria, LFL Bayern, Dolnośląski Ośrodek Doradztwa Rolniczego we Wrocławiu, Bioland Bayern, Biofarma Skřeněř, PRO-BIO, obchodní společnost s r. o., Fresh&Tasty, Ekofarma Olešná

  • organizer: Felicius o.p.s.
  • international conference
  • BIOSUMMIT 2015
  • 2. – 3. 9. 2015
  • Ministry of Agriculture, National Museum of Agriculture, Prague
  • number of visitors: 247

The main topic of Biosummit 2015 was the Soil as the Basis for Human Nutrition with an emphasis on the fact that organic farming provides a practical and sustainable solution to numerous problems relating to soil degradation. The second part of the Conference included a discussion with an “Organic is no Luxury” motto, presenting several successful and practical projects.

Speakers and experts from the field of organic farming:

Martin Ott (FiBL, chairman of the Swiss  Research Institute of Organic Agriculture), Friedhelm Taube (University Kiel), Klaus Wiesinger (Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft), Bernhard Kromp (Bioforschung Austria), David Kuna (Ministry of Agriculture), Jan Gallas (Ministry of Agriculture), Tereza Musilová (Ministry of Agriculture), Miroslav Florián (Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture), Jiří Urban (Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture), Tomáš Mitáček (Sonnentor Čejkovice), Josef Sklenář (Biofama Sasov), Karel Matěj (PRO-BIO Trade Company Ltd.), Andrea Hrabalová (consultant CTPOA), Ludmila Mužikovská (Agrofyto Horní Lideč), Tomáš Zídek (RSJ Foundation), Radomil Hradil (writer, translator and biodynamic gardener), Miloslav Knížek (Bemagro Malonty, a.s.), Jan Valeška (PRO BIO League), Petr Hanzel (Bezobalu), Pavlína Samsonová (Bioinstitute), Ctirad Hemelík (director of Biostyl Trade Fair), Jan Zeman (director of Biopekárna Zemanka) a další.


Ministry of Agriculture, ÚKZÚZ, ČTPEZ/Bioinstitut, Pro Bio Svaz EZ, Nadace RSJ, Sonnentor Čejkovice, Biopekárna Zemanka, Pro Bio s.r.o., Matcha Tea, National Museum of Agriculture

  • organizer: Felicius o.p.s.
  • international conference
  • BIOSUMMIT 2011
  • 15. 11. 2011
  • Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Prague
  • number of participants: 162

The conference offered an exchange of experiences and opinions among key persons including politicians, businessmen, agricultural and non-profit organizations, and opened questions of the quality of organic products, the importance of organic farming for the development of rural areas and, the role of organic farming in new Common EU Agricultural Policy. Besides this discussion, speakers focused on disproval of myths and inaccuracies appearing in media in connection with organic farming.

Main speakers included the Vice Chair of The Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of the Czech Republic Vlasta Parkanová, Minister of Agriculture of the Czech Republic Petr Bendl, Deputy Minister of Environment Tomáš Tesař, and further Bořivoj Šarapatka (Czech Parliamentary Sub-committee for the protection of nature and landscape), Carlo Leifert (University of Newcastle), Karin Stein-Bachinger(ZALF Germany), Jiří Urban (ÚKZÚZ, ČTPEZ), Jana Hajšlová (ICT Prague),  Ctirad Hemelík (Felicius company); professional organizations have been represented by Zdeněk Perlinger (PRO-BIO organic farmers association), Miroslav Toman (Federation of the Food and Drink Industries of the Czech Republic), Martin Fantyš (the Agrarian Chamber ČR); the invitation has been accepted also by managers of successful organic food producers – Stefan Hipp on behalf of the producer of child bio-food and Johannes Gutmann on behalf of the producer of bio-products Sonnentor.

Organizers of the Biosummit 2011 included entities, particularly, as follows: Czech Parliamentary Sub-committee for the protection of nature and landscape, Czech Technology Platform for Organic Agriculture, and Felicius Media. Professional partners of the conference were entities, as follows: Bio Institute, European Technology Platform for Organic agriculture – TTP Organics, IFOAM Group, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, the Agrarian Chamber of the Czech Republic, Federation of the Food and Drink Industries of the Czech Republic, PRO BIO organic farmers association. Cooperating institutions included entities, as follows:  Bioforsk, Bioinstitut CZ, Bio Forschung Austria, FiBL International, ICT Prague, ISOFAR, ZALF Münchenberg DE. Partners of the conference included, as follows: Hipp Group, Sonnentor, ProfiPress, Project “Organic Food for Schools” (Bio-schools).

The event was organized under the auspices of the Chair of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Mrs. Miroslava Němcová, Minister of Agriculture Mr. Petr Bendl, and the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic.

All together 162 participants from nine countries (CZ, PL, UKR, HU, RU, GB, AT, ALB, GER) registered in the Biosummit. The biggest group of researchers (almost 30 persons) arrived from Poland thanks to the Center Doradztwa Rolniczego w Brwinowie, which organized a group tour supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of Poland. Passive auditorium included not only representatives of professional organizations and research institutes and universities, but also participants from companies, businesses and state administration.

  • organizer: ČTPEZ a Felicius o.p.s.
  • international conference
  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on Organic Farming
  • 4. - 15. 11. 2011
  • Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
  • number of visitors: 150
  • contributions for presentation: 25

This international scientific conference was devoted to current issues of ethical and sustainable education. Being focused on Central and Eastern Europe, the conference has improved international cooperation in the region, and it has also enhanced the cooperation between the European Union and  Balkan countries. 

The two-day 3rd International Scientific Conference on Organic Farming that has taken place on 14 – 15 November, 2011 in the premises of Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, was focused on the presentation of current knowledge of the science and research in the field of organic farming in the region of Center and Eastern Europe. 

All together 146 persons registered to the conference including 35 requests with active appearances. Out of the 35, consultants recommended 25 contributions for presentation. Other eight speakers were invited to participate directly by organizers. Presentations included 17 speakers from the Czech Republic, 4 from Poland, 2 from Ukraine and, 1 from Hungary and Romania. Passive auditorium included not only representatives of professional organizations and research institutes and universities, but also participants from companies, businesses and state administration.

The conference was organized by Czech Technology Platform for Organic Agriculture in cooperation with our company Felicius under professional auspices of IFOAM EU Group on the ground of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.

Professional partners of the conference included entities, as follows: Bio-Institute, European Technology Platform for Organic Agriculture – TP Organics, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic; cooperating partners included entities, as follows: Bioforsk, Bio-Institute CZ, Bio Forschung Austria, FiBL International, ICT Prague, ISOFAR, Leibniz – ZALF Münchenberg DE, Agrarian Chamber of the Czech Republic, Federation of the Food and Drink Industries of the Czech republic, PRO BIO organic farmers association; partners of the conference were entities, as follows: Hipp Group, Sonnentor, ProfiPress, Project “Organic Food for Schools” (Bio-schools).

The event was organized under the auspices of the Minister of Agriculture Mr. Petr Bendl, and the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic.


Press conference (November 15, 2011, The Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of the Czech Republic)
Press Conference was visited by persons, namely, as follows: Johannes Gutmann, Bořivoj Šarapatka, Carlo Leifert, Karin Stein-Bachinger, Jana Hajšlová, Ctirad Hemelík, Jan Gallas, Martin Fantyš, Kateřina Nesrstová, Eugenie Linková

Guided walks throughout Prague
Guided walks throughout Prague were organized for those, who were interested in, on Monday.

Ceremonial closing of the conference
Ceremonial evening took place in ´Malostranská beseda House´ on Tuesday evening.

Awarding of the best organic food shop by ´PRO-BIO´, the organic farmers association
PRO-BIO, the organic farmers association, announced the winner of its competition for the best organic food shop of the year within the ceremonial closing. Let us congratulate to the Natural Center Shop in Jihlava.