The Road show through main regional cities introducing Positive evolution.

  • organizer: Positive evolution
  • roadshow
  • 23. 10. – 23. 11. 2012
  • Czech Republic
  • number of visitors: 8000+
23.11. PRAHA Lucerna Velký sál
19.11. PLZEŇ Alfa Plzeň
16.11. HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ Kongresové centrum Aldis – Malý sál
14.11. PARDUBICE Dům hudby – Sukova síň
13.11. KARLOVY VARY Hotel Thermal – Malý sál
9.11. LIBEREC Dům kultury Liberec – Hlavní sál
7.11. OLOMOUC Slovanský dům Olomouc – Společenský sál
5.11. BRNO Kulturní centrum Semilasso – Hlavní sál
1.11. ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE KD Slavie – Velký sál
29.10. ÚSTÍ NAD LABEM Dům Kultury města Ústí nad Labem – kinosál
25.10. ZLÍN Kulturní dům Masters of Rock Café
24.10. OSTRAVA Dům kultury města Ostravy,a.s.
23.10. JIHLAVA Dělnický Dům


More than 8000 people participated in evening discussions that took place in twelve regional cities since 23rd October until 19th November 2012; discussions were crowned by the meeting in Prague Lucerna Hall on Friday 23rd November 2012.

The Tour started in Jihlava on 23rd October and finished in Prague Lucerna Hall on 18th November 2012. 

What happened in the cities?
1)    Meeting with students (Universities – Ostrava, Zlín, Ústí, Budějovice, Brno, Liberec, Hradec Králové, Plzeň)
2)    Meeting with regional businessmen
3)    Meeting with journalists
4)    Debate evening

Audience: 500 visitors in average – totally 6000 + Lucerna 2000
Audience in Universities: totally approx. 1600 visitors (8 cities)
Web ratings: 5000 per day in average
Facebook: 40 000 Likes
E-mails answered: approx. 20 000
Ratings of live streams and records: Web live streaming rating – every evening, we registered 3000 hits in average.

Live stream from the debate was taken on the web site, and consequently records from evening discussions were streamed. On the web site, there are also records from debate meetings, commentaries and messages of personalities placed. Total rating of videos is more than 50 000 hits on the official channel YouTube.